There are moments in life where God will call you outside of your comfort zone, to a place you would not have chosen for yourself. This place can sometimes feel like isolation or loneliness, even in the midst of others who surround you. Or it could be a mere moment in a conversation or even years of traveling from one place to the next. We can find ourselves focusing on the negative aspects of our situations, over and over again. Contemplating and asking ourselves questions like: What could have been or what if this had happened instead? When, we should be asking, how can you use me here God?
In the story of David, we learn how he had a family, a place of refuge with King Saul. However, in time, due to jealousy, King Saul was raged with anger and desired to kill David. Due to this, David had to flee. Here he was, young and in love, having to leave everything behind, in order to survive. Imagine having everything you could ever ask for; the love of others with you daily, people who see your gifts and desire to be a part of what God is doing through you, a best friend who is there no matter what, and the love of your life whom you want to spend your life with, yet, you have no choice but to leave. This was the life of David for years; running and hiding without the knowledge of where he would be next or how he would eat.
Eventually, in the midst of running, David came to a cave. This cave became his resting place. For a short time, David was alone, but it was in this cave, that his life began to look promising again. He only had to wait. David’s brothers and father’s household came to be with him when they heard the news of his whereabouts. In 1 Samuel 22, we also learn how “all those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred men were with him.” (2) These four hundred men are the men that David would eventually win battles with. David needed them and they needed him.
There are many in your life, who might question where you are today and why. Some may wonder why you are living in this ‘cave’ and why God would have you there. Friends, I want to encourage you today, just as David continued to put all of his trust in God, do the same. Where you are today, is only for a time, it is not for forever. Trust God where he has you today. He has a plan! Trust that he is bringing those you need and the ones who need you; they will meet you where you are. God wants to use you; he has a purpose for you. You are a key part of his Kingdom. Trust God, despite the doubts of others. Listen to his voice for your life and go where he is directing you. This is between you and God.
I have learned in life that many will have their opinions. People will talk and be judgmental of who you are and what you have come from. Do not fret those people! Where you have come from and where you are going, is worth it! God’s hand is on your life. Continue to pray always, seeking the wisdom of God. Read his word and I promise you; he will speak! Not all will understand, but God!! He does! His hand is upon your life, and He will never leave you!